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Mario kart 8 stop item roulette

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The tracks, ironically developed by Retro Studios, pull from each game in the series, though the Wii and DS games are the only ones that are represented in each cup. It’s a nice change of pace from the usual mayhem, and those tracks are some of my favorites in the game.ġ6 retro courses? Check. The big change-up in this game’s tracks is that three of them (the two Wuhu Island tracks and the new Rainbow Road) don’t feature laps instead, each race is broken up into three unique sections. The new races are, as usual, cleverly designed with neat shortcuts and lots of nostalgia-inducing visuals. Mario Kart 7 is still great, especially with the stellar use of online and StreetPass and tiny gameplay refinements, but it ultimately just feels like its hitting bullet points.ġ6 new courses? Check. While previous iterations in the series had subtitles that told you more about what was special about the game (even if it was just on a new system), the racing series’ 3DS debut has a generic-sounding name that accurately fits a by-the-book sequel. Mario Kart 7’s name tells you way more about the game than you might think.

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